Division Areas of Impact
Annual Report 2023-2024
Division Areas of Impact

Program Updates
- Following the fatal shooting of a faculty member at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, VPTM saw an increase in requests for specialized training related to de-escalation strategies VPTM developed customizable training for specific units and standardized curriculum for regularly scheduled options.
- Youth Programs and Compliance recognized a 53% decrease in reported identifiable concerns year to year (16 vs. 47) with the highest reported behaviors of concern being participant behavioral interactions.
Initiatives - In the academic year 2024-2025, Risk Assessment will develop and provide specialized training to mental health practitioners on the online aspects of targeted violence and terrorism and the practitioner’s role, partner with the Counseling Center for continuing education credits opportunities.
EPSI’s Fire and Life Safety implemented Red and Ready, medical assistive training for students, faculty, and staff.
The division promoted active threat training, preparedness, and resources for campus, assisting with facility reviews and walkthroughs, in-person training events, and security consultations. Partnering with the Facilities Strategic Planning and Design, new postings are in development, including evacuation maps and preparedness information. Additionally, in partnership with Registration and Records, actionable preparedness information will be posted in all 110 classrooms for faculty resource information.
Staff Updates
- EH&PS staffing includes 204 permanent positions, 10.3% of which separated within 12 months; 14.2% vacancy rate, 41 new hires. 1,864 Job Action Requests processed
- SAT celebrated 13 individual awards, certifications and milestones and two new team members. Renovations began on their new offices in the Don Ellis building.
- Risk Assessment’s Dr. Nelson-Moss, was elected as the D.C. Mid-Atlantic Chapter President for the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP). Ms. Stacy Fair was selected to serve on the Praesidium accreditation review team. Ms. Lauren Shea was nominated for the Finance and Administration 2024 Awards for Excellence for Customer Service. The team celebrated two new members.
- Environmental Health and Safety’s Ogaga Tebehaevu was named Safety Professional of the Year 2024 by the NC chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals
- EHS gained seven new employees while managing nine openings and large turnover.
- Transportation’s Chris Dobek received a Professional Excellence Award for Operations at the International Parking and Mobility Institute Conference.
- Emergency Preparedness and Strategic Initiatives’s Dr. Amy Orders, served on the US international delegation to the International Atomic Energy Agency, presenting on security and preparedness.
- EP&SI celebrated 2 Awards for Excellence nominees and two new positions/team members.
- University Police’s Dr. Conner Hartis (96th) and Captain Tim Hammons (98th) graduated from the Administrative Officers Management Program.
The division continues to be challenged with retaining technical staff, to meet regulatory compliance and service needs. With open positions, there were few applicants, both in quantity and qualifications, which continues to pose a challenge to the retention and recruitment of qualified staff.